Companies and brands communicate with us every day: from the TV screen, via social networks, SMS and email newsletters. We recognize many from the first words, as old friends. This is due to the fact that each company has its own manner of communication, its own voice, to which the audience gets used and begins to recognize from hundreds of other voices.

In marketing, there is a special term – tone of voice, which describes the very unique voice of the company. What it will be is usually decided at the initial stage of forming a brand image.

To make it easier for novice specialists to determine how to communicate with the audience on behalf of the company, we will analyze the concept of tone of voice: how it happens, where and how it is used.

What is tone of voice and why does a brand need it

Tone of voice is how a brand communicates with its audience

Literally translated, tone of voice is the tone of the voice. In other words, it is the tone of all messages that are broadcast on behalf of the company. Just like people, brands have their own image, a certain style, a manner of presenting information. This is called the voice of the company. But the tone can change depending on the situation: be apologetic, bewildered, interrogative. But the voice itself, its sound, remains unchanged.

Tone of voice is closely related to other elements of the image. A brand’s communication style reflects its mission and values, and helps to express individuality.

From the statements of the brand, it immediately becomes clear how it positions itself in the market, how it treats its competitors, what customers it wants to attract.

Let’s compare the two largest fast food chains: McDonald’s and Burger King. In order to understand the mission and values ​​of these two companies, you do not need to study their history for a long time – you just need to look at the advertising.
What is tone of voice and why does a brand need it
Different approaches to advertising ice cream from McDonald’s and Burger King

McDonald’s is a family-run restaurant that upholds traditional values, and Burger King is a rebel who loves to attract everyone’s attention. Burger King’s voice is loud and defiant. The company often makes it to the news feeds because of the fines it receives for its provocative advertising slogans. However, Burger King has a huge army of fans who love them and adopt such a cocky communication style.